MoU Exchange between Halal International Selangor & KUISCELL
Halal International Selangor (HIS) marks another milestone in developing human capital in the halal trade market. The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between HIS and KUISCELL Sdn Bhd had been signed-off on 11 February 2018 in conjunction with the launching of Competency Development Program & Halal Trade Industry Capacity event in Bangi, Selangor.
KUISCELL Sdn Bhd was represented by YBhg Dr Mokmin Basri, the Kolej Universiti Islam Selangor (KUIS) Deputy Rector (Academic & Research) while YBhg Dato’ Mahmud Abbas, Director of HIS represented Aspire Flagship Sdn Bhd (AFSB). The event was witnessed by YB Dato’ Ahmad Yunus Hairi, the Selangor State Exco member and Dato’ Hasan Azhari Idris, Chief Executive Officer of Invest Selangor.
The Halal Technical Competent Person (HTCP) program by HIS is targeted to produce a total of 200 certified practitioners trained in Syariah, halal systems and management as well as standards and regulatory requirements of Global Halalan Toyyiban Trade & Industries (GHTTI). To date, HIS has successfully collaborated with local and international partners in their ventures to produce human capital to halal trade market.